Q. Are classes held in English?
Drop In classes are held in Japanese since students are usually from Japan, however if an English speaker attends then some English can be included to help follow the class.
Private lessons for foreign groups can be conducted in English , but please understand that English isn't always be peRfecT.
Q. Are yoga mats available?
Yes, yoga mats are available to borrow for free, though availability can not b guaranteed (though usually we have more than enough)
Also, there are free yoga blocks and yoga belts available for anyone who request them.
Q. Do I need anything special for class?
A drink and towel could be helpful as they are not provided. For Zumba dance fitness classes, please bring indoor exercise shoes.
Q. I am not staying at Ryugugake Cottages, can I still come to Ryugugake Cottages for classes?
Yes, anyone is welcome to come to drop-in classes at Ryugagake Cottages. Also, if you wish to have a private lesson at Ryugagake Cottages then this can be reserved as well with no additional fee.
Q. I noticed some classes on the schedule at the community center in Iya, can I attend these?
If you are a resident of Miyoshi City, then you can come to these classes since they are supported and arranged by the city. But if you are a tourist visiting the area, then sorry, you can not attend.
Q. Can I have a private lesson someplace other than Ryugugake Cottages?
Yes, the instructor knows the management of most hotels and inns in the area and can arrange a private class there if booked at least a week in advance and if the instructor is available. However, an additional travel fee will be included based on the distance from the Ryugugake area. Mats, blocks, and belts can also be brought along if requested.
Additionally, outdoor classes (weather permitting) can be arranged within the mountainside villages or other places of interest (mountains, riversides, etc). Fees for such classes are on a case by case basis . Read more about these "experience" lessons on the classes page.